iM Lean Marine

iM lean Marine is a High Protein Meal Supplement with Marine Peptides, Marine Nucleotides, Marine Collagen and Omega-3.

Weight reduction and reduced nutrient intake can lead to the loss of muscle mass and affect the skeletal structure. lntake of proteins and protein components is therefore important because proteins contribute to maintain normal bones and muscle mass, and it contributes also to the growth of muscle mass.

Lean Marine is composed of various protein components which will contribute to both maintaining and developing the muscle mass and to maintain the skeletal structure.

iM Lean Marine consists of proteins of high nutritional quality, easily soluble carbohydrates, and fat in the form of vegetable oil with short fatty acids (medium chain triglycerides (MCT).

In addition, the product contains thefollowing natural components from the ocean: Marine Hydrolysate (peptides) from pure codfish meat, marine collagen hydrolysate (peptides), marine nucelotides, marine Omega-3 fatty acids in form of phospholipids, and marine carrageenan from red algae.

Cocoa powder is added in the Chocolate flavor version and naturaI beet root powder in the Strawberry flavor version.
